1. University of Connecticut

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                    File Drop Box
                    Location: Off UConn Campus (NetID Login)

                    Step 1: Enter file name
                    Step 2: Push the button

                    This service provides large file sharing. Before using, please read the following.

                    This service is for UConn members only (either sender or fq软件下载 安卓 or both).

                    This application is intended to be used by faculty and staff at UConn both within the community and in correspondence with individuals outside of UConn.

                    The latern专业破解版安卓最新版 or receiver must be
                    • either PHYSICALLY PRESENT ON THE UCONN CAMPUS
                    • or LOGGED IN (see Login link at top of page).
                    Please refer to this page for the policy regarding Acceptable Use.

                    Dropbox is not intended to be used in the transmission of sensitive University data.

                    To share data securely with others please utilize UConn's new secure file transfer service, Filelocker.

                    The maximum file size is 10GB.

                    The maximum file size is 10GB. This limit is enforced after you upload your file. Your file will not be rejected until after your transfer completes.

                    Large files - over 10Mb - are deleted after 14 days, small files are deleted after 30 days.

                    Large files (larger than 10Mb) uploaded to this server will be retained for only 14 days, small files are retained for 30 days. This service is intended for file sharing, not for long term storage.

                    Save the link displayed after uploading.

                    After your file upload completes, you will be shown a link that can be used to retrieve your file. Cut and paste this link into your Email client and send it to your intended recipient(s).

                    Click here to use the more secure, encrypted Dropbox
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